Flowers are ubiquitous in nature providing food for insects, birds, animals, and humans; they also act as natural medicines for humans and some animals, and they aid in a plant's reproduction by attracting pollinators.  Flowers have played a significant role in our lives for many centuries. Flowers are considered to be a symbol of love, beauty, and a natural gift. We use flowers to elicit feelings of love and happiness because they have the ability to uplift and cheer people. Flowers have played a significant role in our lives for many centuries.The BSED Science Virtual Museum of Natural History's Flower collections have curated a collection of flower specimens from the Philippines to showcase their environmental, cultural, and medical importance.


Nectar from about 2 million flowers makes 1 pound of honey. Honey has natural preservatives and bacteria can't grow in it. Honey was found in the tombs in Egypt and it was still edible! Bees can smell hundreds of floral varieties and identify pollen from miles away!

Convention on Biological Diversity. 

Division: Tracheophyta

Allamanda cathartica


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: AllamandaSpecies: Allamanda catharticaCurator: Audrei Loise A. Suilan, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0081
It is commonly called golden trumpet and its distinguishing characteristic is its white throat patterns. Golden-trumpet flowers can also be used to avoid malaria complications and spleen swelling, as well as to cure jaundice. Its leaves are used as an herbal combination for ailments such as abscesses, boils, eczema, and ringworm, as well as an antidote to poison. It's also utilized as an emetic and a diuretic.

Aster tataricus


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: AsteralesFamily: AsteraceaeGenus: AsterSpecies: Aster tataricusCurator: Ma. Allyssa J. Cervantes, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0056
Aster tataricus is a perennial growing to 2 m (6ft) by 1.2 m (4ft in). It is in flower from September to October. The species is hermaphrodite which means that it has both male and female organs, and is commonly pollinated by Bees, flies, beetles, Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies). The plant is self-fertile. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers moist soil.

Bougainvillea glabra


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliosidaOrder: Caryophyllales Family: Nyctaginaceae Genus: BougainvilleaSpecies: Bougainvillea glabraCurator: Princess S. Sabela, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0078
Bougainvillea glabra is sometimes called "paper flower" because its bracts are thin and papery. 

Bougainvillea spectabili


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: Caryophyllales Family: Nyctaginaceae Genus: BougainvilleaSpecies: Bougainvillea spectabiliCurator: Rizz Ivy Olive B. Hibe, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0064
Bougainvillea spectabilis, also known as great bougainvillea, is a species of flowering plant. It is native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina's Chubut Province.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: FabalesFamily: FabaceaeGenus: CaesalpiniaSpecies: Caesalpinia pulcherrimaCurator: Audrei Loise A. Suilan, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0080
Although some authors claim C. pulcherrima to be endemic to tropical America, it is native to Asia and was an early introduction to the West Indies. It is a legume shrub or small tree that grows quickly. Flowers in long terminal racemes are red-and-yellow or entirely yellow, with crinkly-edged petals while filaments longer than petals is red. This have medicinal characteristics that are commonly used to treat inflammation, ulcers, fevers, tumors, and other ailments. They are also abortifacient and commonly used in the treatment of malarial fever, with the leaves acting as an antibacterial agent.

Chrysanthemum indicum

(Robert Fortune)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: AsteralesFamily: AsteraceaeGenus: ChrysanthemumSpecies: Chrysanthemum indicumCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0080
Chrysanthemum indicum grows up to 0.6 m (24 in) by 0.6 m (24 in). It usually blooms from August to October. It must be grown outside under sunlight with moist soil. They normally have yellow or white flowers with yellow pollen.

Bougainvillea spectabili


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: Caryophyllales Family: Nyctaginaceae Genus: BougainvilleaSpecies: Bougainvillea spectabiliCurator: Princess S. Sabela, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0077
Bougainvillea has a nice fragrance which is similar to that of the Honeysuckle plant. In cool or dry conditions, it can be semi-deciduous. The shoots, that have been overgrown, may attach themselves to the surroundings.

Clitoria ternatea


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: FabalesFamily: Fabaceae Genus: ClitoriaSpecies: Clitoria ternateaCurator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0080
It is a perennial herbaceous plant, with elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows as a vine or creeper, doing well in moist, neutral soil. The most striking feature about this plant is the color of its vivid deep blue flowers with light yellow markings. There are various benefits that can be derived from this flower such as a natural antioxidants, helps improve blood circulation and prevent hair loss and graying. It also cleanses blood, improves night vision, revitalizes skin and hair .

Cucurbita maxima

( Duchesne)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: ViolalesFamily: CucurbitaceaeGenus: Cucurbita Species: Cucurbita maximaCurator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0072
Cucurbita maxima, commonly referred to as squash blossoms, is a warm-season annual vegetable vine that trails along the ground or climbs up structures using tendrils. It has yellow fruit-bearing flowers that are produced in the fall. The fruits have a mild flavor and can be fried, baked, added to pasta, used in soups, and more. Native to Central and South America, winter squash is an aggressive grower and prefers moderately moist soil with full access to sunlight.

Bougainvillea spectabili Choisy


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: Caryophyllales Family: Nyctaginaceae Genus: BougainvilleaSpecies: Bougainvillea spectabiliCurator: John Robert F. Cruz, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0060
Bougainvillea is often grown as an annual or container plant. The actual flower is small and insignificant, it is the colorful bracts, or modified leaves, which can be seen in all shades of pink, purple, and red that attract attention. Bougainvillea is best suited to a hot, dry climate and should be watered deeply but allowed to dry out between watering. Once established, they are drought resistant.  It is a woody climber with curved thorns that sprawls and needs to be tied or have a structure such as a fence, wall, or pergola for support.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass:   DicotyledonaeOrder: MalvalesFamily: MalvaceaeGenus: HibiscusSpecies: Hibiscus rosa-sinensisCurator: Rizz Ivy Olive B. Hibe, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0062
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known colloquially as Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, rose mallow and shoeblackplant, is a species of tropical hibiscus, a flowering plant in the Hibisceae tribe of the family Malvaceae. 

Lagerstroemia tomentosa


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass:   MagnoliopsidaOrder: MyrtalesFamily: LythracaeaeGenus: LagerstroemiaSpecies: Lagerstroemia tomentosaCurator: Princess S. Sabela, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0076
The common crape myrtle is a deciduous, small to medium sized shrub or small tree with a variable, moderately dense habit, often multi-stemmed form.

Lycium barbarum


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: SolanalesFamily: SolanaceaeGenus: Lycium Species: Lycium barbarumCurator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0070
Lycium barbarum (Goji Berry) is a species of shrub in the family nightshades. They are climbers. They are associated with freshwater habitat. They have simple, simple leaves. Flowers are visited by Flower Flies and Hoverflies, bees, and apoid Wasps. Individuals can grow to 2 m.

Senecio vulgaris L.

(Wilmanns, 1975)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: AsteralesFamily: AsteraceaeGenus: SenecioSpecies: Senecio vulgaris L.Curator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0073
S. vulgaris is a slender annual (sometimes biennial) herb, 4-60 cm tall, leafy and can be hairy or glabrous. Leaf axils somewhat 'cottony' in appearance, stem succulent, hollow, slightly angled, branched, thickish, erect or ascending. Leaves dense, slightly fleshy and all pinnatifid, with lower leaves petiolate, oblong-spathulate, dentate to short-lobed, cauline leaves oblong in outline, sessile, half-clasping and auriculate at base; lobes distant, oblong, rachis, lobes and auricles denticulate. Peduncles shorter or somewhat longer than heads.

Sesbania grandiflora


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: FabalesOrder: FabaceaeFamily: FaboideaeGenus: SesbaniaSpecies: Sesbania grandifloraCurator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0132
Sesbania grandiflora is a fast-growing perennial, deciduous or evergreen legume tree, up to 10-15 m high. Its lifespan is about 20 years. Its roots are heavily nodulated and some floating roots may develop in waterlogged conditions. 

Spathiphyllum wallisii

(Regel, 1877)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MonocotyledonaeOrder: AlismatalesFamily: AraceaeGenus: SpathiphyllumSpecies: Spathiphyllum wallisiiCurator: Ma. Allyssa J. Cervantes, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0058
Spathiphyllum wallisii is a perennial, evergreen rhizomatous herbaceous flower plant of spherical shape and upright in form. It’s extremely attractive foliage is symmetrical, of medium texture and density. If it is planted on the garden soil it shows remarkable spreading growth, covering spaces. Spathiphyllum wallisii cradle is the tropical zone of South America, namely Colombia, where most of its natural populations, as well as Venezuela, are found. Its natural ecosystems are the shady areas of rainforests usually found in wet habitats.

Tagetes erecta


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: AsteralesFamily: AsteraceaeGenus: TagetesSpecies: Tagetes erectaCurator: Audrei Loise A. Suilan, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0079
This is an annual herb that has been cultivated as an ornamental plant and a source of natural pigments thanks to its yellow/orange flowers. It reaches a maximum height of 180 cm. The inflorescence is a single terminal head with a diameter of up to 12 cm, which is bright yellow in wild kinds and lemon-yellow to deep brown-red in cultivated kinds. Anthelmintic, aromatic, digestive, diuretic, sedative, and stomachic characteristics are all found in the whole herb. It's used to treat indigestion, colic, severe constipation, diarrhea, cough, and fever, as well as sores, ulcers, eczema, sore eyes, and rheumatism externally.

Tabernaemontana pandacaqui


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: Tabernaemontana L.Species: Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Curator: Rizz Ivy Olive B. Hibe, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0063
Tabernaemontana pandacaqui, known as windmill bush and banana bush, is a species of plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae.

Wrightia antidysenterica 

(L. Pichon)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: WrightiaSpecies: Wrightia antidysentericaCurator: Princess S. Sabela, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0075
Wrightia antidysenterica is quite a low maintenance plant. Prefers bright light or full sun which can tolerate partial shade but will result in less flowers. It needs a well-drained loamy soil.

Tecoma stans

(Juss. ex Kunth)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: Lamiales Family: BignoniaceaeGenus: Tecoma L.Species: Tecoma stansCurator: John Robert F. Cruz, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0061
Esperanza or Yellow bells is an irregularly shaped, deciduous shrub, normally 3-6 ft. tall in the US but more southerly varieties can reach 9 ft. It has several stems and slender, erect branches. Clusters of large, trumpet-shaped, yellow flowers are very showy against the lance-shaped, olive-green leaves. Long, thin pods are conspicuous in autumn.

Tillandsia recurvifolia 


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: TillandsiaSpecies: Tillandsia recurvifoliaCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0065
Tillandsia recurvifolia is a small sized epiphyte acaule many, rigid leaves that form a rosette. The sheaths are narrow and not very marked. The limbs are triangular, slightly gutter, especially if the plant is thirsty. It blooms from the simple, often pendulous inflorescence, with a fairly loose polystic spike, with 12 to 15 flowers, giving the inflorescence a globose appearance.

Spathiphyllum wallisii

(Regel, 1877)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MonocotyledonaeOrder: AlismatalesFamily: AraceaeGenus: SpathiphyllumSpecies: Spathiphyllum wallisiiCurator: Alyssha Angel C. Omolida, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0069
Peace lilies are a part of the philodendron family, and are sometimes called spaths, a shortening of their Latin name. These plants feature shiny, lance-shaped leaves of dark green and occasionally send up unusual flowers.

Wrightia antidysenterica 

(L. Pichon)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: TracheophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: WrightiaSpecies: Wrightia antidysentericaCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0063
Wrightia antidysenterica have five petaled flowers, white, tubular, star shaped having yellow centers form in corymb like cymes at the end of branches. Flowers have frilly corona at the throat and yellow center of stamens and blooms throughout the year in hardiness zone.

Division: Spermatophyta

Catharanthus roseus


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass:   MagnoliopsidaOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: CatharanthusSpecies: Catharanthus roseusCurator: Princess S. Sabela, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0074
Catharanthus roseus is a long-lived (perennial) sub-shrub or herb, usually erect, 30-100 cm high and at least somewhat woody at the base, sometimes sprawling. White latex is present. Stems cylindrical (terete), longitudinally ridged or narrowly winged, green or dark red, pubescent at least when young.

Jasminum azoricum


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: LamialesFamily: OleaceaeGenus: JasminumSpecies: Jasminum azoricumCurator: Ma. Allyssa J. Cervantes, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0057
J. azoricum known as Azores jasmine, azoric jasmine, or lemon-scented jasmine, it is a climbing, evergreen (meaning it remains evergreen) native to the island of Madeira. It can reach a maximum height of 5-6 meters if it has some support to climb, like the trunk of a tree, a lattice, wall, or etcetera. The leaves are composed of three green leaflets which are about 3 centimeters long. The flowers, which sprout throughout the spring, are grouped in terminal racemes, and are composed of four white petals that they give off a very pleasant aroma.

Jasminum sambac


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass: MagnoliosidaOrder: LamialesFamily: OleaceaeGenus: JasminumSpecies: Jasminum sambacCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0057
Sampaguita is the common name for Jasminum sambac in the Philippines. It is a flowering shrub with small fragrant white flowers and is a species of jasmine. A native of Southwestern and Southern Asia, it is believed to have first originated in the Himalayas. 

 Lantana camara

(Adams, 1976)

Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass: MagnoliosidaOrder: LamialesFamily: VerbenaceaeGenus: LantanaSpecies: Lantana camaraCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0068
Lantana camara has small tubular shaped flowers, which each have four petals and are arranged in clusters in terminal areas stems. Flowers come in many different colours, including red, yellow, white, pink and orange, which differ depending on location in inflorescences, age, and maturity. After pollination occurs, the colour of the flowers changes (typically from yellow to orangish, pinkish, or reddish)

Pachystachys lutea


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: LamialesFamily: AcanthaceaeGenus: PachystachysSpecies: Pachystachys luteaCurator: Ma. Allyssa J. Cervantes, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0059
Pachystachys lutea or lollipop plant, sometimes called as, the golden shrimp plant is a colorful, soft-stemmed, tropical shrub typically massed in beds or maintained as a background plant in a mixed perennial planting. This 36 to 48 inch-tall, upright perennial has dark green, ovate leaves that are 6 inches long. The showy inflorescence consists of a congested raceme of bright yellow bracts from among which pure white flowers emerge over several weeks. Flowers are displayed above the foliage and contrast nicely with the dark green canopy. New inflorescences are produced throughout the warm months.

Tabernaemontana divaricata


Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: GentianalesFamily: ApocynaceaeGenus: TabernaemontanaSpecies: Tabernaemontana divaricataCurator: Sydie C. Moredo, (2021)Collection Code: BSEDSCPP-0067
Tabernaemontana divaricata have round, evergreen, well-branched shrub has large, glossy, dark green leaves and waxy white, ruffle-edged flowers, which are especially fragrant at night. Flower petals curve like a pinwheel, and they are very prominent throughout the warm months of the year. Stems bleed a milky sap when injured.


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